Invitation to Attend a Workshop on Education in Conflict Zones

Let us work together to shape the future of education in Sudan and contribute to a brighter future for our children.

07.11.2024 Afrika Boynuzu Çalışmaları

Invitation to Attend a Workshop on Education in Conflict Zones

Dear Educators, Academics, and Interested Parties,

In recent years, Sudan has faced tremendous challenges, particularly in the past year and a half, as the country has been directly impacted by the effects of war. In these difficult times, it is our shared responsibility to ensure access to education for our children and secure their future.

In this context, we are organizing a workshop to discuss ways to improve education in conflict zones in Sudan. We look forward to receiving contributions from experts in this field, aimed at identifying the key topics to be discussed during the workshop. High-quality submissions will be selected for discussion at the event.

Main Topics:

We invite all those interested in contributing to submit articles addressing one or more of these topics, with a word count between 500 and 1,000 words. Please send your submissions to [email protected] by 10.12.2024.

Let us work together to shape the future of education in Sudan and contribute to a brighter future for our children.

With warm regards,

Afrika Vakfı 2015 yılında Afrika üzerine eğitim ve araştırmalar yapan Ankara merkezli bir sivil toplum örgütü olarak faaliyetlerine başladı.

İletişim Bilgileri
  • 0 (312) 235 05 10
  • [email protected]
  • Hacettepe Mh. Gelin Sk. No: 8, 06230, Altındağ/Ankara, Türkiye
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Ortadoğu Vakfı, Ortadoğu ile ilgili sosyal, ekonomik, kültürel, siyasi ve diğer alanlarda faaliyetler yürütmek ve çalışmaları desteklemek amacı ile 2015 yılında Ankara’da kurulmuştur.

İletişim Bilgileri
  • 0 (312) 235 05 10
  • [email protected]
  • Hacettepe Mh. Gelin Sk. No: 8, 06230, Altındağ/Ankara, Türkiye
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